The Journal of Social Sciences Research
Online ISSN: 2411-9458
Print ISSN: 2413-6670
Print ISSN: 2413-6670
Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)

Volume 5 Number 12 December 2019
Cultural Identity-Induced Social Exclusion of an Ethnic Minority Group and Communal Conflicts in North-Central Nigeria
Authors: Ojo Joseph IseOlorunkanmi ; Anand Singh
Pages: 1914-1920
Qualitative research has suggested that minority groups suffer discrimination. Some had focused on the effects of discrimination and prejudicial treatments of groups that are referred to as socially-devalued. This has also provoked greater interest in theorizing on the relationship between explanatory causal factors of discrimination against these groups. This study contributes to this body of research findings by focusing on an ethnic minority group that has been subjected to various discriminatory treatments on the basis of ancestral/historical difference. It examines the relationship between some exclusionary ethno-cultural variables and their effect on conflict occurrence. Conflict is depicted here as the dependent variable while the ethno-cultural variables- exclusion, deprivations, identity formation, and migration are considered as independent variables. This study adopts the quantitative approach using the Chi-Square analysis to investigate the relationship between these variables based on the Mean of the responses from the administered questionnaires, while Regression analysis was used to examine the impact of the independent variables (cultural identity formation, social exclusion, migration history, deprivation, and segregation) on the dependent variable (communal conflict). The findings from the regression analysis show that a significant relationship exists between all the independent variables and the dependent variable, while from the Chi-square analysis, the findings reveal that except for deprivation, all other independent variables have a positive relationship with the dependent variable.
Reading Information in Crime Fiction: A Linguistic Analysis of Ruth Rendell’s The Bridesmaid (1989)
Authors: María del Mar Rivas-Carmona
Pages: 1908-1913
Crime fiction is a popular genre which deserves a close analysis of its overall communicative devices. It is the aim of this paper to analyse Ruth Rendell’s The Bridesmaid (1989), allegedly considered one of the masterpieces of this well-known genre. Our study endeavours to identify, on the one hand, features which characterize this kind of fiction and, on the other hand, passages where the reader may feel in that state of disappointment due to the author’s provision of unrequired information. The latter is undoubtedly one of the basic standpoints typically employed to deny the literary status to this genre.
Moderating Effect of Government Regulations on Internal Control System and Fraud Prevention. A Case Banking Sector in Kenya
Authors: Samuel Ngigi Nyakarimi ; Samuel Nduati Kariuki ; Peter Wang’ombe Kariuki
Pages: 1900-1907
The main purpose of the study was to establish the moderating effect of government regulations on the relationship between internal control system and fraud prevention in baking sector. Structured questionnaire was used as tool for data collection. The study was based on all banks registered and operating in Kenya and the questionnaires were meant for branch managers, operations mangers and cash managers in head offices of all banks. One hundred and seventeen questionnaires were distributed and officers from 33 banks out 39 banks returned fully filled questionnaires. The questionnaires were analyzed using Structural equation Model (SEM). The findings indicated that the government regulations have significant moderating effect of control environment and risk assessment. However, there was insignificant moderating effect on control activities, communication and monitoring of activities. The study suggested that further studies and analysis should be undertaken to establish those legislations and regulations that should be enhanced, abolished and also establish need of new laws to enhance the functions of internal control system.
Intercultural Communication Strategy in Interethnic Marriage in Tapal Kuda Areas, East Java, Indonesia
Authors: Akhmad Haryono ; Bambang Wibisono
Pages: 1893-1899
Conflicts in the family and between families that often lead to divorce often occur among ethnic marriages in the Tapal Kuda areas. This study intends to explore and describe the communication strategies used in inter-ethnic communication as an effort to anticipate and resolve intra and inter-family conflict perpetrators of interethnic marriages. The ethnographic approach to communication with the focus on sociolinguistic study is used to achieve the research objectives. Research informants are inter-ethnic marriages, parents, religious leaders, and KUA officers who are often involved in overcoming issues related to marriage and divorce. Data were collected through participant observation, interviews, and recording. The collected data were transfered in written data and analyzed qualitatively and descriptively with sociolinguistic, ethnographic communication, and pragmatic theories. This research results found that there are three factors that often trigger the failure of communication in inter-ethnic marriages so that they can often also be obstacles to the achievement of speech objectives. These three things are language skills, interaction skills, and cultural knowledge. However, the most dominant thing that occurs and often invites criticism from other cultures is the knowledge and understanding of the culture of other speech communities.
The Evolution and Models of Corporate Social Responsibility
Authors: Prof. J. C. Visagie ; Dr. V. Sibanda ; Dr. R. Coetzee
Pages: 1885-1892
Purpose: Consequently, the purpose of this review paper is to trace the historical and conceptual evolution of CSR. Design: Literature review Findings: Company must respond to meet demand in order to be more reputable and remain profitable. Contesting views have given birth to a myriad of theories on CSR over the past decades as a clear testimony that the concept of CSR is dynamic and continues to evolve. Practical implications: This paper traces the key milestones in the evolution of CSR from the earliest debates between Dodd and Berle in the 1930s followed by arguments on CSR by Friedman in the 1970s up to the current theories Social implications: Trends have moved from corporate social responsibility (CSR) programmes, to sustainable development, to sustainability, to social responsibility Original value: Since the 1950s, many scholars have been researching CSR from different points of view. In order to understand CSR’s impact on organisation behavior, it is necessary to comprehend its progression.
Effect of Management Information Flow and Warehousing Management Activities on Profitability of Cattle Dealers in Selected Cattle Markets in Lagos State, Nigeria
Authors: Dr. Onu C. A. ; Dr. Akinlabi B. H. ; Alli S. A. ; Dr. Soetan T. A. ; Dr. Akpa V. A.
Pages: 1875-1884
Logistics management is an essential ingredient for organizations in gaining higher profitability. The goal of logistics management was to optimize the number, size, and geographical arrangement of plant and warehouse facilities, select transportation methods, and control distribution costs. There has been shortfall in the supply of cattle and its products due to the considerable spatial separation of production area from consumption area and other ancillary factor. Also, most livestock/cattle supplier in Nigeria do not employed effective logistics management which in turn negatively affect meat/cattle delivery to their customers, inventories, and profit performance. This study examined the effect of management information flow and warehousing management activities on profitability of cattle dealers in selected markets in Nigeria. This study employed descriptive survey design. The target population comprised 4, 248 cattle dealers across the eight approved Abattoir/ markets in Lagos State. A multi-stage sampling technique was adopted to select the sample size of 437. A close-ended well-structured survey questionnaire was adapted, validated and used for collecting data for the study. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficients for the constructs were 0.931. The response rate to the 437 copies of the questionnaire administered was 82.7%. Data were analyzed using structural equation model (SEM). Findings revealed that management of information flow had significant positive effect on the profitability of cattle dealers in selected cattle markets in Lagos State (β= 0.269, t=5.450, p-value<0.05). Warehousing management activities had significant positive effect on the profitability of cattle dealers in selected cattle markets in Lagos State β=0.391, t=9.085, p<0.05). The study concluded that logistics management had significant and positive effect on the profitability of cattle dealers in selected markets in Lagos State. It was recommended that internal structure and systems that allow free and timely flow of information between cattle dealers and primary producers/cattle farmers should be put in place. Further, there should provision adequate linkage between the different players involved in the meat production/ processing value chain. Also, a strategic approach to logistics management through embracing modern technology and employee training is recommended.
Analysis of Management Readiness of Higher Education Accreditation
Authors: A. Rusdiana ; Nasihudin
Pages: 1869-1874
This study aims to determine the Accreditation Management Readiness of Higher Education. PTKIS Kopertais Region II West Java-Banten. This study uses a sequential transformative mixed method through the theory of Edward III. Data collection through literature, interviews, questionnaires, and observations, involving 15 informants with 45 respondents, data validation with triangles has been done internally, and involved experts from across sectors. The results of this study indicate that most of the eight or (53%) PTKIS are not ready to implement AIPT. It can be seen from the average achievement in four aspects: Communication has not run optimally: the dissemination of information has not been evenly distributed, understanding of staff is lack, and information is inconsistent, its achievement is (37.08%). Resource readiness: the availability of numbers and competencies of staff, facilities and infrastructure, information data have not yet supported, and its achievement is (31.25%); Task fragmentation and use of SOPhave alreadybeen running but have not supported the program achievement (44.17%). The success of achieving the program rests on a team that has qualified human capital/executors.
Interrelation of Real Currency Rate and Economic Position of the World Countries
Authors: Averin Gennadiy Viktorovich ; Zviagintseva Anna Viktorovna ; Pozdnyayev Andrey Sergeevich ; Shvetsova Angela Alexandrovna
Pages: 1861-1868
Evaluation of real exchange rate of countries is an urgent task, as it is a key macroeconomic indicator characterizing the competitiveness of national goods in the world markets. An analysis of the relationship between the value of currencies and the position of the world countries in the field of economics and energy was carried out using an event valuation, which is one of the methods for the intellectual analysis of multidimensional data. A distinctive feature of this approach is the study of the relationship between the probabilities of simple and joint events of observing the values of statistical indicators of socio-economic objects. At the same time, the average statistical development trends of the studied sectors of the world economy are taken into account. In the process of research it was established that at present there are vast groups of countries for which the real value of national currencies is both overestimated and underestimated against the background of the contribution of these countries to the global economy. There is a tendency when, for many economically developed countries, the value of national currencies is overestimated. An example of a comprehensive assessment of Russia’s position in the field of economics and energy shows the process of assessing the real value of the ruble. The event estimation method can be used in the analysis of the features and patterns of development processes both in the countries of the world and in other socio-economic objects, for example, regions, cities or enterprises.
The Determinant Factor of Home Transformation in Bali, Indonesia
Authors: Ngakan Ketut Acwin Dwijendra ; Ngakan Putu Sueca
Pages: 1855-1860
In the context of providing adequate housing, a large number of people in developing countries are transforming their homes. This informal housing provision also occurs in Bali, both in BTN (National Savings Bank) housing and in traditional homes. The purpose of this study was to determine a number of determinant factors of home transformation. To achieve the objectives, this study used a survey research strategy, and two case studies were selected. Using a questionnaire as the main tool, one hundred and sixty-six respondents were interviewed. Logistic regression analysis states that both household and residential characteristics are important determinants of transformation. Two home variables, namely the size of the house and the number of original beds are good predictors. The study also shows that four household characteristics appear to be important, namely total expenditure, number of residents, type of household, and ownership.
The Influence of Academic Culture and Task Commitment Toward Lecturers’ Innovativeness
Authors: Connie Chairunnisa ; Ahmad Kosasih
Pages: 1850-1854
This study aims to investigate the academic culture and task commitment toward lecturers’ innovativeness. Quantitative survey methods were adopted. To collecting the data, a questionnaire and path analysis were used. Two hundred fifteen lecturers at several universities in Jakarta (Indonesia) participated in the study. The results indicate that many academic cultures positively give direct influences to lecturers’ innovativeness, and task commitment positively gives direct influences to lecturers’ innovativeness. The study concludes that training and mastery of the use of media are needed to improve the competence and innovation of lecturers in conducting scientific research.
Evaluation of Self e-learning-Based Courses from the Perspectives of Learners and Academic Staff Members at Al-Ahliyya Amman University
Authors: Sawsan Saad- Eddin Badrakhan ; Mohammed Ahmed Mbaydeen
Pages: 1837-1849
The purpose of the study is to identify the degree of Al-Ahliyya Amman University (AAU) learners’ and academic staff members’ evaluation of self e-learning- based courses in terms of their educational content, the technical design of electronic techniques and activities, availability and accessibility. The sample of the study consisted of (353) learners who were selected by a simple random methodology involving learners taking the self e-learning- based courses. Five members were selected from the academic staff as coordinators of these courses. The researchers developed a 39-item tool divided into four domains, and they examined their validity and reliability. The study found that the degree of evaluation of the self e-learning-based courses from the perspective of both learners and academic staff members at AAU was high according to the assessment of the technical design of electronic techniques, activities and the evaluation of their availability and accessibility. The research paper also showed that there were no statistically significant differences according to its variables (profession, gender, faculty, and course).
Assessment of Conduciveness of Learning Environment at Nigeria’s Primary Schools
Authors: Abayomi Samuel Oyekale
Pages: 1828-1836
Government’s neglect of some primary schools in Nigeria has complicated service delivery with resultant non-conducive learning environment and degraded motivations for teachers. This paper generated indices of conducive learning environment and analyzed its determinants at primary schools in Nigeria. The study used the 2013 education Service Delivery Indicator (SDI) data that were collected from 744 primary schools in Nigeria. The data were analyzed with Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Ordinary Least Square (OLS) regression. The results showed that 62.37% all the schools were in urban areas while Bauchi and Anambra states recorded the highest percentages of urban schools with 77.84% and 60.00%, respectively. The factors that increased conducive learning environment significantly (p<0.05) were private ownership, being established before 1990, and being situated in Anambra state, while urban location and practice of multi-grade reduced it. It was concluded that adequate monitoring of the state of infrastructural facilities in Nigeria’s public primary schools should become top priority of government and other stakeholders in the education sector.
Culture and Domestic Spaces: The Influence of Culture on the Interior Residential Setting
Authors: Alia Widyarini Hapsariniaty ; Puspita Darmaningtyas ; Irma Subagio ; Wiwik Dwi Pratiwi ; Raden Aswin Rahadi
Pages: 1816-1827
Home has a different meaning to the house because it contains the identity, social relations and collective meaning, and in it there are activities of human life. Home is a domestic space that is close to human life and is influenced by culture. Many cultural factors affect the domestic space itself, such as memory and time; social, economic and political; habits (habit); technology; age; and gender. In this article, we will look at the relationship between culture and domestic space by comparing the interior order of the three houses. The research was conducted by field observation and interview with the residents of the house. The result of the study suggested that culture influences domestic space. This finding can be seen from the differences in interior order and the use of space, although the three residential houses have the characteristics of residential and residents are almost the same.
Examining Education Optimization Extent Among the Teaching Staff at Qassim University by Measuring Their Professional Performance Competencies Rates
Authors: Safaa M. A. Yadak ; Lawaheth M. T. Hussein ; Suleiman F. K. Alkhawatrah ; Wafa S. M. Awajan
Pages: 1805-1815
The study aimed to examine Qassim University teaching staff professional competencies level and the extent of its implementation to reach 80% optimization level. The researchers used a test developed for this purpose; it included 42 items to measure eight key competencies: authorities and administration, development and quality assurance management, learning and teaching, learning resources, management competencies, personal competencies, scientific research, and the institution relationships with the society. We designed the test answers based on a 5-point Likert scale, and insured its validity and stability. An available sample of (218) from the teaching staff at College of Sciences and Arts in Rass/ Qassim University participated in the study. We found that the personal competencies means scores (M. = 4.76) are high, the institution relationships with the society means scores (M. = 3.24) are low, overall mean score (M. = 3.94) is moderate. The teaching staff implementation of their personal competencies to optimize education means scores (M. = 4.09) are high, the management competencies means score (M. =2.52) are low, the overall means score (M. =3.4) is moderate. The teaching staff scored lower than the expected optimization level of 80% at (α = 0.05), the scores of the implementation level and the expected level in all the domains were low except in the personal competencies which scored over 80%, and a mean of (M. = 81.72).
The Impacts of Social Media Use on Growing Rates of Suicide Among Teenagers in the U.S.
Authors: Abdallah S. Abualkanam ; Walid K. Abudalbouh ; Abdulrahman Al-Fawwaz ; Ahmad Kh. Al-Afef
Pages: 1796-1804
Background: The cases of suicide among teenagers in the U.S. have increased significantly. Among the factors considered responsible for this trend is the increasing cases of depression. Several sources, including Shain (2016) have associated this trend with the internet age and the increasing use of social media. Understand the connection between these three things, depression, suicide rates, and social media uses, can be the foundation for determining reasonable solutions to the problem of increasing suicide rates. Methods: The paper used a narrative review. A web search was conducted on the following key phrases: social media, depression, suicide, suicide trends among American teenagers, social media use among American teenagers, and the relationship between social media use and suicide rates. Afterwards, the information was compiled to formulate a more comprehensive outlook at the problem of suicides as is affected by social media use. Results: It was found that depression is among the primary causes of suicidal tendencies among teenagers in the U.S. Furthermore, it was noted that social media is a prominent contributor to the increasing cases of depression, and hence suicidal tendencies, among American teenagers. Conclusion: There is a need for intervention methods for teenagers with suicidal tendencies and increased control of content posted on social media.
Work-Life Balance and Employee Performance: A Study of Selected Deposit Money Banks in Lagos State, Nigeria
Authors: Akpa Victoria O. ; Egbuta Olive U. ; Akinlabi Babatunde H. ; Magaji Nanle
Pages: 1787-1795
Work-life balance is one of the prevailing issues in many organizations. Inability of workers to balance work and family could lead to increased rates of absenteeism, stress, employee turnover, job dissatisfaction and poor work performance. It is therefore essential for employees to maintain stability between work and their private lives. This research examined the effect of work-life balance on employee performance of selected deposit money banks in Lagos State, Nigeria. Survey research design was adopted. The target population was 54,028 employees, which consisted of all employees of the six selected Deposit Money Banks in Lagos State, Nigeria. A sample size comprising 520 employees were selected using random sampling technique. Primary data were collected using a structured questionnaire. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics and simple regression analysis. The findings revealed that job stress significantly affects quality of work of employees (F= 33.500, p< 0.05); and long working hours significantly affects motivation of employees in the selected deposit money banks in Lagos State (F= 8.716, p< 0.05). However, the study reveals that role overload has no significant effect on job satisfaction of employees in selected deposit money banks in Lagos State (F= 0.011, p> 0.05). This study concludes that work-life balance has significant effect on employee performance in the selected deposit money banks in Lagos State, Nigeria.
Socio-Economic Assessment of Grouper Fishermen and Their Perceptions on Mariculture Development in Buleleng District, Bali, Indonesia
Authors: Achmad Zamroni ; Subechanis Saptanto ; Latifatul Rosyidah ; Katsumori Hatanaka
Pages: 1777-1786
Various activities in the coastal area of Buleleng-Bali for many years affected to the sustainability of mariculture activities. This research aimed to 1) identify the problems of groupers farming in fish cages, 2) analyze the cost-benefit of grouper farming and 3) analyze fish farmer perceptions on mariculture development. Primary and secondary data were collected and analyzed by using descriptive, financial and Likert-type analyzes. The results show that the average production of grouper farming was 450 – 7500 kg per harvest. The main problems in groupers farming are related to uncertainty market demand in recent years, financial capital limitation, high price of fish feeding, and low productivity. Benefit-cost analysis revealed that the benefit-cost ratio is 1.92 (B/C ratio > 1) and the payback period (PP) is 2.3 years (project life assumption: 10 years) and the internal rate return (IRR) is 12%. It means that grouper farming is economically visible to develop in Buleleng District. Fish farmers as well as local stakeholders have positive perception and active participation in grouper farming using floating-fish cages. Fish farmers also needs special trainings related to disease management, seed selection, marketing, and good aquaculture practices. The main obstacles of price and capacity faced by farmers for using various sensors to reduce the risk of mass fish death and other climate change effects should be of special concern to local and central government to install a set of equipment to control and reduce the impact of environmental changes on all grouper floating cages.
Consumption of Dietary Supplement Products Among Malaysian Consumers: The Roles of Attitude, Social Influence and Perceived Behavioural Control
Authors: Nor Azila Mohd Noor ; Azli Muhammad ; Filzah Md Isa
Pages: 1768-1776
There are many evidences that relate nutrition deficiency with increased risk of chronic diseases. A clear understanding and knowledge on the factors influencing dietary supplements consumption is therefore important. This knowledge could assist health professional in developing their marketing strategies. A model is developed and tested examining the relationships between attitude, social influence and perceived behavioural control and consumption of dietary supplements among Malaysian consumers. Mall intercept survey was carried out to acquire data from 316 consumers using structured questionnaires at 10 hypermarkets in Malaysia. Construct measures were based on existing previous research. Measurement reliabilities and validities were established using confirmatory factor analysis. Hypotheses were tested using Structural Equation Model and accepted method for testing mediation effect. From the 10 hypotheses developed, 7 were supported. It was discovered that consumption of dietary supplements is positively been influenced by consumer attitude towards dietary supplements, normative influence, informational influence and perceived behavioural control. On the other hand, attitude towards dietary supplements is positively been influenced by normative influence and perceived behavioural control. The relationship between perceived behavioural control and dietary consumption behaviour is mediated by consumer attitude towards dietary supplements. This research sets the ground for stakeholders in the healthcare and pharmaceutical sectors to improve their understanding of what drives dietary supplements consumption. Armed with this knowledge, marketers and health professionals could plan and execute their marketing strategies and health interventions more effectively. The theoretical implications and managerial implications of these findings are discussed.
The Role of Gastronomy in Trips: Types and Motivations
Authors: Miguel Jesús Medina-Viruel ; Pedro Antonio Fuentes Jiménez ; Jesús Claudio Pérez Gálvez ; Francisco González Santa Cruz
Pages: 1758-1767
Currently, gastronomy is a fundamental pillar for tourists to discover the cultural potential of the places that they visit, with culinary pleasures becoming determining motivations in the choice of a destination. With this idea, this research investigates the gastronomic experiences of tourists who visit a place recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site, the city of Sucre in Bolivia. It highlights the existence of three types of tourists, based on their perceptions regarding the gastronomic experiences in the city (known as survivors, enjoyers, and experiencers). Additionally, it concludes that the local gastronomy of the destination provides significant culinary motivations.
Enterprise Risk Management Applications at Bist-Istanbul Non-Financial Companies
Authors: Suna Ozyuksel ; Rıza Bozoklar
Pages: 1743-1757
Turkey has made great strides towards increasing international competitiveness and aims to adapt to the international risk management platforms to further its national economic policy. Risk management would serve to the corporates to run their business in optimum level, to reduce the chance of the hazards, to protect the resources and to improve the image. The purpose of this study is to investigate the inherent risks plaguing non-financial companies in Turkey and the risk management behavior and insurance approach undertaken in order to combat these important risks. The analysis consists of survey questions generated via appropriate risk management literature and reports from the Federation of European Risk Management Associations and Risk & Insurance Management Society. The sample consisted of 59 high level Risk Managers from publicly available non-financial firms on BIST, 20 of which were included under top 100 of ISO 500 by 2017.
Impact of Government Expenditure on Agricultural Productivity in South Africa
Authors: Megbowon Ebenezer ; Saul Ngarava ; Nsikak-Abasi Etim ; Oluwabunmi Popoola
Pages: 1734-1742
Government expenditure has been considered to be having an extent of impact on economic performance at both sectoral level and aggregate national level. Evidence from literature, however shows that this notion has not been generally accepted across countries and sectors. Considering the significance of agriculture in an economy most especially in Africa, and the consequent role of government, this study examines the impact of government expenditure on agricultural productivity in South Africa using annual time series data from 1983 to 2016. It is shown that there exists a long-run relationship between government expenditure on agriculture and agricultural productivity, and a positive significant effect only to be expected in the long-run. The finding underscores the non-negotiable role of the South African government funding of agricultural sector in an era of climate change and a highly commercialized agricultural system. Furthermore, considering the low and declining pattern of government expenditure in the sector in South Africa, the desired productivity growth impact will only be experienced in the long-run all things being equal. Improving government funding in the sector could accelerate the desired agricultural productivity in the short-term.
Effect of Bank Holding Company Structure on Farmers’ Financial Welfare in Nigeria
Authors: Ifeanyieze F. O. ; Nwachukwu C. U. ; Onah F. C. ; Mgbenka R. N. ; Ekenta L. U. ; Nwankwo C. U. ; Onah Ogechukwu ; Okwo C. R. ; Ugwoke E. O. ; Ekwueme U. S. ; Ugwu O. C. ; Isiwu E. ; Asogwa Cosmas
Pages: 1723-1733
This study examines the impact of bank holding structure on the financial welfare of farmers. We used an expost facto research design and studied all the 18 deposit money banks in Nigeria. We used dummy variable to measure bank conglomerate structure for the period between 2001 and 2018. We also identified the features of financial holding companies based on firms’ specific variables including portfolio condition, competitive standing, equity characteristics and sizes. Based on our analysis, bank holding structures significantly and positively affect banks’ propensity to create risk assets to farmers (coefficient=0.34; p-value less 5%). This implies that ring fencing banks leads to increase in credit availability to farmers and consequently their welfare advancement in Nigeria. Banks with holding structure have competitive advantage and this competiveness benefits farmers significantly (coefficient=0.05; p-value < 0.05). Our analysis also shows that banks with holding structures diversify into non-interest source of revenue, which yields positive and significant effect on farmers’ financial welfare (coefficient= 2.05). Thus, diversifying conglomerating banks can outperform their peers in terms of risk asset making for farmers to extent that relative to non conglomerate banks, up to 2.05% of credit is allocated to farmers for every unit change in bank market due to holding structures. Variation in deposit demands, and gross assets were found to advance loans to farmers. However, default risks and liquidity risk of conglomerate banks limits their credit availability to farmers, which implies that conglomerate banks are highly sensitive to liquidity and default risks. We also found that conglomerate banks allocates risks asset to farmers based on the national economic growth level. Thus, as the economy improves conglomerate banks’ desire to make risk assets to farmers also increases. We recommend that regulators should improve economic growth in order to draw banks into lending to farmers. Conglomerate banks should be protected from default shocks and liquidity risks in order to encourage them to lend more to farmers.
Consumers’ Perception on Food Safety, Labels and Purchasing Decisions in Mafikeng
Authors: L. E. Molefe ; A. S. Oyekale
Pages: 1714-1722
Food safety is an important issue in the whole processes of food utilization and appropriate labelling is very fundamental in guiding consumers’ decisions. This research was carried out to determine perception of consumers on usefulness of food labels, analyse the factors influencing their perception and determine the factors influencing utilization food labels in their food purchasing decisions. The respondents were randomly sampled and interviewed with structured questionnaire. Data were analyzed with Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Ordinary Least Square (OLS) regression and Probit regression model. Majority of the respondents (56%) were older than 23 years and female (65%). Also, many of the respondents were checking for labels on vegetable oil (54%), eggs (48%), milk (56%) and bread (70%). Majority of the respondents were interested in the expiry dates of vegetable oil (66%), eggs (83%), milk (85%) and bread (86%). Time constraint (32%) and uncertainty about the accuracy of the information (33%) were highlighted as constraints to food label utilization. Perception of importance of food labels was influenced significantly (p<0.01) by label desirability for bread and income. Also, utilization of food labels during food purchases was influenced by being married and household income. It was concluded that consumers were aware of food labels and some efforts were being put into utilization of those labels in their food purchase decisions. .Efforts to promote food safety through utilization of labels should be directed at poor households and those consumers that have not married.
Analyzing Validity and Reliability of Motivational Orientation of Differentiated Instruction in English Language Teaching Student Questionnaire (MoDiELT)
Authors: M. H. Kamarulzaman ; H. Azman ; A. Mohd Zahidi
Pages: 1700-1713
Recently, the implementation of differentiated instruction had been proposed by Ministry of Education of Malaysia to be implemented across all schools in the country. Consequently, as announced in the Malaysia Education Blueprint (2013) the Ministry had launched a program called Differentiated Teaching and Learning of English Language. After few years of its implementation, a measurement protocol was needed to assess the effectiveness of differentiated teaching approach in the teaching and learning of English language. In this instance, a multidimensional instrument was developed to measure student motivation toward differentiated teaching and learning of English language, and indicate teachers’ overall teaching performance. The questionnaire contains three sections A (Demography), B (78-item scale assessing student motivation based on their experience of differentiated English language teaching and learning), and C (Student Comment/Suggestion). In this paper, the researcher presents the procedures involved in evaluating the psychometric properties of the instrument and discusses its validity and reliability. The items were constructed based on an accumulation of teachers’ differentiated teaching strategies. Face and content validity were evaluated while internal consistency and factor analyses were computed. The final reliability coefficients for the whole scale and subscales range from high to very high, while changes suggested by the analyses were accepted. The overall analysis suggested that the questionnaire is deemed valid and reliable to measure student motivation toward differentiated teaching and learning of English language, and as an indicator of teachers’ performance in applying differentiated approach.
Comparison Study of Spiritual Space in the Tomb of King Demak and the Tomb of Wali Sunan Kalijaga
Authors: Marwoto ; Sugiono Soetomo ; Bambang Setioko ; Mussadun
Pages: 1691-1699
Spatial planning can be formed and developed in the dynamics of human life that grows based on the cultural and historical aspects of a city. The emergence of the concept of space and religious traditions in a city with historical value is one of them in the city of Demak. Demak City is one of the religious cities that has a new lifestyle for the Muslim community that has developed and has an identity as a religious community. The predicate of the city of Wali gives instructions that are relevant to the life of the people in the city of Demak. To what extent is the concept of forming spiritual space developing in the current Demak city? Broadly speaking, this will be the topic of writing about searching for symbols of space based on the phenomenon of community life in the city of Demak. Through qualitative methods as an option in this study to get a picture of understanding the concept of space and structuralism approach, information can be conveyed about the meaning of the concept of space and religious traditions. Research results in the form of the concept of spiritual space can be identified through the ritual activities of the majority of people in the area of the tomb of Sunan Kalijaga in Kadilangu Demak higher than the tombs of the Kings of Demak around the Great Mosque of Demak.
Emotional Experience of Women Post-Rescue From Sex Trafficking in India
Authors: Irani Machado da Silva ; Anuradha Sathiyaseelan
Pages: 1681-1690
Sex trafficking is a form of slavery, and it is a human right issue that keeps going despite being illegal. Since it persists, there is a need to look into it to understand the impact of the same on the female survivors. The present study aims to explore survivors’ experiences before and during sex trafficking and to comprehend the emotional experiences of survivors post-rescue from sex trafficking. The participants were ten sex trafficking survivors, ages 18 to 24 years old. A phenomenological approach was used. The researcher utilized thematic analysis to identify themes within the data collected. Findings revealed that the main factors that contributed to the entrance of the participants in sex trafficking were poverty and broken family. The experience of life during sex trafficking was marked by rape and torture. Participants described life as unhappy, hard and as hell. The emotional experiences are mainly psychological distress such as feeling angry and sad because of the past. Survivors have feelings of guilt and fear. Lack of understanding is predominating in all participants. Survivors’ experiences are not all negative. With rescue, they have got a better life. The positive emotions are happiness, faith in God, hope, new identity and value. They experience happiness because the new life is good. They have faith in God and have hope for a better future.
Enterprise Computing Curriculum: A Reference Framework
Authors: Munir Majdalawieh ; Adam Marks ; Stefan Weidner
Pages: 1671-1680
An expanding number of colleges and universities are offering one form or another of enterprise computing academic programs to meet the market demand for graduate in this field. The programs regularly are developed by team of faculty who are expert in this area and in collaboration with Enterprise Application Solutions Vendors offering platforms in this field. As of presently, there’s no enterprise computing reference curriculum recognized by the scholarly community or industry. Industry and the scholarly community frequently vary in the scope and the definition of enterprise computing program. Subsequently, the need for an enterprise computing reference framework has regularly been enunciated in an assortment of of meetings within the enterprise computing community. The goal of this paper is to propose an enterprise computing reference curriculum model at the undergraduate level based on a study of the enterprise computing program at several local, regional, and international universities, the industry needs of enterprise computing competencies, the expertise of the authors, and the best practices available in the scholarly community and industry.
The Effect of Stress and Workload on Near Miss / KNC Events and Their Impacts on Nurse's Performance Inpatient Installation
Authors: Sweetina Merkusi ; Qurratul Aini
Pages: 1666-1670
The role of nurses is huge in conducting nursing care under the existing Standard Operational Procedure (SPO). If it complies with the established standards, then the incident almost injured or even the KNC did not occur. Job stress can occur in nursing care for patients. Workloads which include quantitative workloads, qualitative workloads, physical workloads, psychological workloads, social workloads. This study aims to determine the effect of work stress on nurses’ workload on the incidence of near injury / KNC and its impact on the performance of nurse’s inpatient installations. This type of research is quantitative research with a cross-sectional approach. The population is all nurses in the Inpatient Services at Kumala Siwi Kudus General Hospital. Sample 68 nurses, using total sampling. This type of research is quantitative research with a cross-sectional approach. Based on the data processing that has done, the results can be used to answer the hypothesis in this study. Hypothesis testing in this study was conducted by looking at the value of T-Statistics and the value of P-Values. The research hypothesis can be accepted if the P-Values value < 0.05. Hypothesis 1: Near Miss, Events Affecting Performance P Values 0.009 results are acceptable; Hypothesis 2 Stress affecting Near Miss Events/KNC P values result in 0.008. Hypothesis 3 Stress affecting performance P values 0,035 are acceptable.